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Current Offerings

Town Crier’s Coffee roasts every 1-lb. bag to order. Roasting is done every Wednesday evening and orders then ship the following day or can be picked up at that time. Orders must be placed by 11:59 PM Tuesday nights to guarantee they’ll be roasted the next day. All batches are whole bean and roasted to a medium-light roast. If you would like your beans ground and roasted darker or lighter, please be sure to let us know (2-lb. minimum required for a specific roast other than our default).

Our coffee offerings are subject to selling out and changing since they are directly correlated to in-season greens available at the time they are purchased by Town Crier’s Coffee.

If you’d like to try a particular variety, be sure to do so before stock runs low, since there is no guarantee that particular variety will be offered again.

Costa Rica - Cafe Vida


Costa Rica - Cafe Vida


Region: Central Valley
Processing: Washed
Notes: Graham with mild cooked citrus & pecan flavors. Tart acidity & mellow sweetness.

23 available
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