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SUBSCRIPTION - Send Me Coffee Every Week


Let us ship to you!

You no longer need to worry about running out of your favorite coffee. Sign up for a coffee subscription and we’ll ship you 1, 2, 3 or 4 1-lb. bags of coffee at the interval of your choice. Each week, the coffee shipping for that week’s subscription orders will be hand selected and roasted on Saturday and charged and shipped the following Monday.

Freight charges are wrapped into the amount billed for each shipment, and will be displayed at checkout. The freight amount is determined by 2 factors: box size (weight and dims) & zone the destination falls into.

Subscriptions can be cancelled or delivery frequency and quantities can changed at anytime. Simply choose how many pounds of coffee you would like to be delivered at one time, and how frequently you would like to receive deliveries.

Have a question regarding subscription orders? Send a note here.

SUBSCRIPTION - Send Me Coffee Every Week


SUBSCRIPTION - Send Me Coffee Every Week

from $14.00 every week

For SHIPPED subscription orders:

1 lb. Shipments: $14.00/lb. Coffee + $8.25 shipping
2-4 lb. Shipments $14.00/lb. Coffee + $11.50 shipping
